Tuesday, December 08, 2009

TWD: Sables

Today's entry is short and sweet. Not unlike this week's recipe! Today I made sables. These are sables with an accent on the e. Not sables with a long a sound. Here's the good news; no matter how you pronounce it, they are delicious!

This is a basic French butter cookie. There were many variations in the book. While in the future I think I'd really enjoy a citrus, pecan, or spice version, for my first round I stuck to the basic recipe. This one was really simple. There were few ingredients. It only took one bowl and one piece of plastic wrap. I made half a recipe because we are full up on cookies here. (chocolate cappuccino and maple almond)

These are simple and lovely. I think next time I'll make them a little thicker to give them a sandier texture. These had a bit of snap because I let them get a bit brown. The edges might look a bit more brown than they are because I rolled them in demerara sugar.

One other bonus to these cookies - you can make the dough ahead of time and roll and freeze it. Then when you need a cookie fix, just roll them in sugar, slice, and bake! Thank you Barbara of Bungalow Barbara for this week's choice. Go check her blog for the recipe. Or go buy the book already!

***Just a little side note -- the girl painted the bowl, and she's loving all of the sweet comments that you are leaving about it!


  1. Jules, your cookies look delicious! Love the bowl they are in!

  2. Chocolate cappuccino? Really? Sounds good ~ and I hope you'll share the recipe (hint, hint).

    These were great cookies - and I especially appreciate the fact that they were EASY!

  3. Great serving dish. Love it.
    These are the perfect butter cookie. I love the holidays!

  4. They look great! We enjoyed them quite a bit :)

  5. I have 3 more logs in the freezer. I was afraid that I'd eat them all if I made them all.

  6. Your cookies look great! I went with the basic recipe as well and I thought they were delicious!

  7. This is a perfect dough to just make and stick in the freezer, isn't it? Your cookies look yummy.

  8. Gorgeous job! I've been pronouncing it with the long "a"! I am so not a french speaker! Haha!

  9. These sables look great - but I am hankering after a maple almond cookie :)

  10. Thanks for baking along with me this week! Glad you liked them.

  11. I think your pictures are not lousy but fine and dandy! Your cookies look good and Im glad you liked the recipe. I thought it was amazing!

  12. Love your cookies in that pretty little bowl. Glad you enjoyed!

  13. Mine could have been a little thicker too, I think butter cookies are good a bit thick. Will have to remember next time I make these! They were good!

  14. It is a great bowl! And some great cookies to go in it!

  15. Lovely cookies! Like you, I am delighted with this recipe.

  16. I made the basic ones too, but I'd like to try a citrus version.

    The bowl really is pretty - love the colors!

  17. Mmm, love the thought of rolling them in demerara sugar. I'll bet that added a nice subtle flavor. Love the bowl, too!

  18. Glad these were a hit. I needed to roll my a little thicker as well so they don't brown.

  19. Love the cookies, but have to say, I love the hand-painted bowl even more! Especially now that I know The Girl made it! So wonderfully creative over there at your place!

  20. Love your cookies! Gimme! Gimme!

    I need to make these soon!
