Tuesday, February 02, 2010

TWD: Milk Chocolate Mini Bundt Cakes

Or in my case, dark chocolate mini Bundt cakes. I'm not a huge fan of milk chocolate, and I didn't have any anyway. So dark chocolate it is!

This is a pretty simple cake. It's a chocolate cake that you layer with something. The original recipe called for pecans. I made the buttermilk variation from the "playing around" section. I did stick with the pecans.

I think that I over baked these a bit. While the taste was good, the texture was a bit crumbly. That may also have something to to do with using dark instead of milk chocolate. I left mine unadorned (mostly due to sheer laziness), though the original calls for a chocolate glaze.

I made these once before using dark chocolate. Instead of the pecans, however, I used candied ginger. I much preferred that version. This was very good with a scoop of ice cream plunked right in the hole, though. I think ice cream fixes many baking mistakes.

These ended up with quite a few holes. I think the glaze would have made them much prettier.

Here's a little cross section. You can see the cocoa covered pecans.

Thanks to Kristin of I'm Right About Everything for choosing this week's recipe. Get it at her blog, or go buy the book already!


  1. I overbaked mine too, but I think the milk chocolate kept it from being too dry. How does your family let you get away with no glaze? Mine would have whined through every bite. Looks good though!

  2. So cute.

    I wish I had some mini bundt pans, but alas, I don't have the room for them.

  3. Yours look great. I had many holes in mine, too. Why was that? Not a clue, but it didn't seem to affect the way the guys ate them, so who cares, right? The drizzle did hide a few. Need to use my little mini-bundt pan more often as these were way cute!

  4. Mine were dry when I made them...
    You did a good job!

  5. they look great! Wow, candies ginger!! What an interesting variation!!!

  6. I overbaked mine too. But I think the dark chocolate sounds really good in these! I like milk chocolate too so mine were good.

  7. The mini bundts look really cute, and now I'm thinking about candied ginger! I used a caramel sauce with mine.

  8. I wonder if the dark chocolate did have something to do with the crumbliness...hm. Glad you liked them anyway!

  9. Yep, mine were a bit crumbly as well. Glad I'm not the only one. You are dead right about ice cream as a baking fix-all.

  10. I think these are easy to overbake - they weren't exactly moist or dense... but good, none the less! These look wonderful - nicely done!

  11. Yours look good - I think dark chocolate probably would have made them taste more interesting.

  12. i like the idea of adding candied ginger!

  13. I think mini bundts are the perfect ice cream holder! Thanks for baking with me this week!
