Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TWD: Dulce de Leche Duos

Mmmm. I was very happy about this week's recipe. It's a cookie made with dulce de leche and has the stuff sandwiched in the middle as well. YUM.

Dulce de leche is cooked, sweetened milk. In my case it's cooked sweetened condensed milk. I can buy it in the grocery store, but I prefer to make mine. It's beyond simple. (take the label off a can. Put it in a slow cooker. Cover with water - 2" over the top of the can. Cook on low 8-10 hours. Done) It's amazing on just about anything.

This was a simple cookie to make and bake. I love a one pan drop cookie. I really like that these are slightly off in terms of shape and size. It makes them look more homey. I tried the cookie on its own and with the dulce in the middle. As much as I love the stuff, my preference was the plain cookie. I liked the chewy sweetness without the extra sweet of the dulce. I was the only one at my house, however. The Girl can't get enough of these cookies. The Boy and the Husband like them a lot as well.

Here's a close up. Golden brown cookie with golden brown dulce de leche peeking out.

I would certainly make these again. They make an excellent foil for ice cream. Hmmm, perhaps a dulce de leche cookie with dulce de leche ice cream in the middle....

Just picture a stack of these filled with ice cream. Or chocolate. Or frosting. I could go on and on.

Go check out Jodie's blog if you'd like to see the recipe. Or go buy the book and bake along! That is if you don't already. ;-)


  1. MMM I can't picture these with ice cream because it is making me hungry! Your cookies look perfect!

  2. Oh, you really make homemade DDL sound easy - I definitely need to try that next time. I was kind of "meh" on these, but my hubs loved them so much that they are destined to be a repeat. Yours look incredible!

  3. They were very good with some chocolate in there. I think that was my favorite version of them. Glad you enjoyed them!

  4. Glad you liked these so well. I went all out after thinking they need a little more than just some ddl in the middle. I think chocolate really bumped them up!

  5. Ooo, dulce de leche ice cream sandwiches? Now, that's an idea! Thanks for the foolproof tip on making dulce de leche.

  6. I loved these cookies too. Yours are such even shapes - not homey at all. You should have seen the variety of shapes that mine formed!

  7. Mine sure looked homey! I used the oven method for my dulce de leche, but now I'm wondering if I would have thought to take the label off the can if I made it in the slow cooker!

  8. They look really good--how come you got flat discs and I got balls? They would make great ice cream sandwich cookies.

  9. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Your cookies look pretty good too.

  10. They look totally marvelous! I had to do a rewind this week, didn't have the ingredients. Still want to make them though!

  11. oh yeah- ice cream sandwiches would be perfection!

  12. Those look beautiful. And no chocolate in sight! I figured people would chocolate them up a bit this week. That's generally how it goes on the non-chocolate weeks. Your recipe for the dulce sounds easy, too. I had to make it twice b/c the guys thought it was butterscotch pudding and ate it all...OMW! Luckily, the Lebovitz recipe is easy, pour it into a glass pie plate, cover with foil, bake in an oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes, let cool. You need to set it in a water bath while cooking. EASY and fast! I could have let it cook longer to get it a darker color, but I was impatient, especially since this was my second round of it in one day. LOL...teenage boys, you need to put big signs on everything you don't want eaten.

  13. These were good. Had of freeze most of mine so wouldn't eat ALL of them.

    Love the dulce oozing from the cookies.
