Tuesday, April 06, 2010

TWD: Mocha Almond Marbled Bundt Cake

Whew! Got this one in under the wire. Passover ended last night, so this cake was first thing on my agenda this morning.

Pretty low on the fuss factor. It requires one batter, half of which is combined with a coffee/chocolate mixture. The original recipe calls for walnuts. I happened to have almond meal, so I made that substitution. I'm not so fabulous on the swirling, but I trusted in Dorie.

Not bad!

While I was baking, I thought about another post for Tricks for Treats. I was spraying my pan with Baker's Joy and started formulating what I would say. I love the stuff. It always works.

See! Isn't that gorgeous. Nice and golden and so smooth.

Fooled ya! Here's the other side. Oops! I think that's the side we'll just eat first. And perhaps I need to do a more thorough job with my Baker's Joy.

I'm saving this one for after dinner, but I did have a little taste. There were some pieces readily available.... YUM! I loved the slight almond taste blended with the mocha. This one is a keeper.

Go check out Erin's blog -- When in Doubt....Leave it at 350 for a much prettier cake and the recipe.


  1. Good job getting it done this morning! The marbling looks great!

  2. Hmm I wonder why the one side came out so perfect and the other side not! Im sure it still tasted wonderful , and thats what counts!

  3. Hahaha, your cracking me up with the good and bad side of your bundt cake!

  4. Mine totally fell apart in the pan too, but it tastes amazing so it's ok :D

  5. Lol- Nice picture angles to cover up the bad side! :) It just matters that it tastes good!

  6. Great job with the marbling. One area I always have issues with!
    Bummer on the sticking, but yay for free tastes!

  7. Got to love trick photography! I always want to show my 'good side'.

  8. Oh my. What happened? Well, as we know, it doesn't have to be beautiful to taste delicious. Nice visual save!
    I would love to know how you found out that this recipe is 7 WW points. I was going by pound cake which is 8 points. When you have time, my email is clivia_gardens@hotmail.com

  9. oh thats what happened to my coconut bundt last week. i have to cross my fingers that it doesnt happen with this one. yours looks good anyways once you slice it up ;)

  10. LOL - the first side looks devine, and I'll bet both sides tasted good. Great work on the marbling.

  11. great looking marbling! looks like some of my bundts! lol

  12. Yep, that cake coming out of that pan looks like what my bundts usually look like, too. Oh, well, they always get eaten around here. There must be some trick. It looks nice in color, and the inside is great!

  13. Oops, that anonymous comment above was me, forgot to sign in.

  14. Bummer when that happens, but that's what ganache is for! :-D Bet none of the flavor fell out!

  15. Oh, sorry about your cake's failure to release - ouch! And guess what? I did put my loosening trick in this week's P&Q. Let me know if it works for you. At least your marbling was an unqualified success!

  16. Oh dear. I *hate* it when that happens! Darn stubborn bundt pan. I love Baker's Joy, too, and I go through quite a bit of it. But, those little broken pieces are perfect for nibbling, and I bet that this was still a very tasty cake! Great job on the marbling, too.

  17. I've been lucky with my bundt and the baker's joy (knocking wood), but I feel nervous each time I try to get a cake out of the pan. I'm waiting for this to happen. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the cake!

  18. what a good way to break fast! that tricky pan though- I hate it when that happens.

  19. Yuuummm! Have you tried King Arthur's Everbake spray...I like it better, it is not as "gummy" as the other.

  20. I thought about using my almond meal but went for the walnuts instead.

    Love the "trick or treat" cake. :) Sometimes that happens, but luckily it still tastes great!

  21. I love the fact that photographing from just the right angle can yield a picture that shows perfection :) Thanks for baking with me this week and I am sorry about your sticking situation.

  22. I think this one is a keeper too. Fabulous marbling! Glad you enjoyed it.

  23. Your slice looks pretty! Too bad about the troubles with the bundt pan though.
