Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TWD: Apple Apple Bread Pudding

I love bread pudding. I make it fairly often because we tend to have leftover challah after Shabbat. I know there was some wishy washy talking going on among the TWD bakers about making bread pudding. There was no wishy or washy in my kitchen. Except that I only sort of made Dorie's recipe. I used her idea to include apple... Does that count?

Here was my problem. Bread pudding is, at its core, a simple, homey, no-fuss dessert. When I read Dorie's recipe, I was bothered by all the fuss. I just thought there were far too many steps for this dessert. So I doctored my all-time-favorite-go-to recipe to include apples, apple sauce, and a little dulce de leche for a finishing touch. (I'll post that recipe complete with variations another time)

Instead of caramelizing the apples, I sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar and let them sit a bit. I didn't spread my challah with apple butter. Instead I tore it up and tossed it with the apples. In the custard, I used homemade cinnamon vanilla applesauce in place of most of the sugar. Mine is uncooked, which saved more time and dishes.

Here it is just out of the oven. It was golden and delicious looking. And it made the kitchen smell great.

The end result was really good. I used a bit of my dulce de leche to drizzle over the top, and it added just the right caramel flavor. Perhaps not the most photogenic dessert...

The Girl's friend REALLY liked this one.

I'm sure Dorie's recipe as written was delicious. But so was this one, and it was much much easier. I'd absolutely make it again. Our friends were over for dinner and they had some good suggestions. Next time I'll include some rum and a bit more cinnamon.

Go see Elizabeth's blog, Cake or Death, for the real recipe. Or go buy the book already!


  1. Simplicity is good. I like your variation!

  2. Adorable friend with a great testimony. Your version sounds quite a bit easier and still yummy.

  3. Dulce de leche...what a brilliant idea.

  4. It sounds great, especially with the dulce de leche! I skipped this one, but I was surprised at the comments about a lot of dishes - I agree that bread pudding should be easy and homey.

  5. looks great- love your simpler version. the way it should be!

  6. your variations looks amazing! I love that gorgeous golden brown top!!

  7. Lovely happy face !! Your version is great !!

  8. This was a bit fussy for such a simple dessert, but I thought the results were worth it. Your version sounds perfect, and the dulce de leche drizzle was inspired!

  9. This was a little high on the fussiness. I haven't grown to love bread pudding, but I keep trying! After my first attempt bombed, I ended up with a great version using most of the ingredients! Mine was drizzled with caramel, too!

  10. Your pud looks fab - and love the dulce de leche on top. The smile on that face says it all!

  11. I agree- bread pudding is bread, egg yolks, sugar, milk (no cooking) :) It was yummy though!

  12. Anything w Dulce de leche is a winner in my book. Like how you simplified the steps! - mary

  13. i'm totally with ya. dorie's recipe was super lotsa steps. eek!!!

  14. I didn't even think about dulce de leche. That sounds fabulous!
