Tuesday, June 29, 2010

TWD: Rum Drenched Vanilla Cakes

There was no way I was missing this one. I love a good vanilla cake (which the cake essentially is), and to drench it with rum? Delicious! I'm not a rum drinker, but I love the taste in baked goods.

The original recipe makes two cakes. I only made one. Fewer cakes = less Jules. It's simple math. I love that this cake calls for real vanilla beans. There is no substitute for the deliciousness that is a fresh vanilla bean. This was very easy to put together. No mixer required! The girl actually did a lot of the measuring, pouring, and mixing. I put the loaf pan right on the oven rack. I'm still not sure why Dorie always wants me to use two baking sheets for all of my cakes. Anyway, the cake baked up golden brown and lovely in exactly 60 minutes.

Love that golden color.
While the cake is baking, I made a simple rum syrup. Once the cake was cooled, I poked it on top with a long skewer. Lots. Then I brushed the syrup over the top, also lots, until the syrup was gone. I wouldn't let anyone eat it until it had been sitting, well wrapped, of course, for at least a day.

Just waiting for a fork!

The verdict? The girl liked it a lot. The boy didn't like the rum. The husband thought it was very good. I mostly liked it. There were some real textural differences in the top of the cake where the syrup penetrated, and the bottom of the loaf where it did not. I think, were I to make this again, I would make a glaze rather than a syrup. I might also add some more vanilla to the glaze. Hmmm, that's sounding good. The rum flavor was very concentrated on the top as well. I liked it enough to want to play around some more, so that's saying something.

If you look closely, you can see how far the syrup penetrated.

I served it plain, but I could see a little rum whipped cream or some fresh fruit on top. Hmmm. That's sounding good, too. Good thing I have more cake.

Thanks, Wendy, for choosing this. Go see her blog, Pink Stripes, and you can read the recipe.


  1. You bring up a good point about the rum. I had the same problem with it being concentrated at the top. Glaze is a good idea too.

  2. I had the same delineation on mine, but that's okay.

    It was still delicious.

  3. i thought the texture of this cake was so perfect, it would have been great even without the rum... although i also love the taste of it in baked goods!

  4. YUM, looks delicious, esp that shot with all the syrup soaked into it. I went the fruit and cream routine and deprived the under 18 crowd completely. I promised I would do a lemon version this weekend for them...maybe with a chocolate drizzle on three quarters of it. Yep, that's the plan.

  5. my rum penetrated farther but i still couldn't really taste it. funny huh? well great job anyway, you got a nice color than i did

  6. Wonderful loaf! *secret* - I poke it right out of the oven, brush, then flip it out and poke, brush the "top" and sides. Glaze - you can't go wrong!

  7. A glaze sounds excellent! I loved this cake. I didn't add the rum but I will try it next time :)

  8. Interesting how you can see where the rum-soaking stopped. I like Mike's idea about turning it over. I never would have thought of that.
    I skipped the soaking and the cake was still very yummy. Portion control is everything!

  9. You're absolutely correct about half a slice being better than no cake at all!! I really liked my half a slice :)

  10. This looks great! I know what you mean about one cake instead of 2 - and I don't get the 2 tray thing either.

  11. You're right about the textural difference. Your cake looks great! Thanks for baking along with me!

  12. I made two shapes, a small loaf and mini bundts...that textural diff. is far more apparent on the loaf..Either way? We ate it up. Much better than those rum cakes people bring home from the Caribbean..

  13. That's a good looking cake. :)

  14. My loaf was very very moist on top where the syrup soaked in, it was very yummy anyway.

  15. I think maybe the two sheets are to keep the bottom from getting too crusty? I poked the heck out of my cake with long toothpicks, so we didn't get the syrup concentration, but I did like how the rum flavor was so faint!

  16. I thought I might try poking holes on the sides and bottom next time and pour the syrup on all the surfaces to see what that does. I loved this cake. Yours looks great!

  17. Looks good! I didn't' get to this one this week, but hope to soon.
