Tuesday, August 31, 2010

TWD: Espresso Chocolate Shortbread Cookies

I cannot overemphasize how much I love these cookies. Love. Them. This is cookie simplicity at its best.

The dough is simple to make, and it uses ingredients I always have on hand. Once it's mixed, it's ready to go into the bag. Yes, I said bag. This is where Dorie's genius shines through. She has us spread the dough into an even layer in a gallon sized zip top bag. Genius. Then the dough goes into the fridge or freezer for a chill. A very necessary chill to help the flavors meld and allow the cookies to keep their shape when baking.

Once the chill is ended, the cookies go on a cutting board. The plastic bag is cut off, and the slicing can begin. I use my kitchen ruler (it's a sturdy plastic and can go in the dishwasher) and a pizza cutter to make even 1 1/2" squares. They go on a cookie sheet, each cookie gets pierced with a fork two times, and then the sheet goes in the oven. Easy and done.

The mix of the espresso and chocolate is perfect. I've made these a few times. One of my favorite versions used chopped Lindt orange and almond chocolate. This batch went to the teachers at the Boy's school. I know how to stay on the good side of the school staff.

Awww. A heart for the teachers.

Make these. Now. Try not to eat all the dough before they become cookies. The key word there is "try." Thank you Donna of Life's Too Short Not to Eat Dessert First for giving me a chance to make these wonderful cookies again.


  1. They look really good! I love that you could throw them into a zip lock bag... so easy!

  2. I cannot emphasize how much the guys loved these cookies...they were eating them in increments of six at a time!!! I forgot to poke the holes in until most of them were made...attention to detail in baking is often a problem over here. Also, what a cute heart plate you found for this...I need one of those. Do you think the guys would notice? Probably not. Maybe. If they did, they would undoubtedly say something like, "Mom, really...PINK????" LOL. Your cookies look wonderful!

  3. Yum Im sure the teachers will be your best friends for life now! Your cookies look great! I loved them too!

  4. Lovely cookies.

    I almost wish I had made them square.

  5. Too cute! Love your heart shaped plate. The cookies are simplicity and your shortbread cookies look delicious!

  6. I like the Chocolate/orange idea!

  7. I love the heart plate....so cute.

  8. Wishing I was a teacher about now. I agree. Dorie is a genius--at least in regards to the ziplock bag method.

  9. Ciao !!! I love the cookies and the bribing !!!

  10. Chocolate and espresso would bribe me if I were your son's teacher ;)

    These were a win here too!

  11. Your cookies look so good. And you are right how wonderful easy cookies are - and dangerous!

  12. Mine are going to the teachers for a welcome back luncheon. I think they are gonna love 'em. These smelled amazing when they were baking, didn't they?

  13. i agree. simply wonderful. i loved these.

  14. I'm a teacher--can I be on your cookie list? These look fantastic!

  15. I love how your cookies look and that heart plate is adorable! Thanks for the suggestion on my blog about my problem cookies. I don't think it was the thickness. Actually, I made another half batch that was espresso/oatmeal, rolled to the perfect thickness and cut in squares, and they tasted just as bad. (I ran out of steam when it came time to write the blog post and left them out) I really think it was that type of confectioner's sugar. I'm going to have to try again to see if I can get them right.

  16. I totally hear you about how good these were (I used hazelnut flavoring instead of coffee). But yes, even the dough is divine! Love the heart plateful!

  17. i heart these cookies, too! i bet the teachers were crazy about them!

  18. I love the sound of the choc orange version - perfect!
