Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TWD: Coffee-Break Muffins

I really like the smell of coffee. And I love coffee ice cream. But I drink "coffee". It has to have so much milk, sweetener, vanilla, and chocolate in it that it is virtually unrecognizable as coffee. I was sure this sweet, coffee muffin would be right up my alley.

These muffins were a snap to put together. The recipe calls for espresso powder and brewed coffee. I had both! To gild the lily just a bit, I added mini semi-sweet chocolate chips. Coffee and chocolate do go so well together.

I tasted the batter hoping for a nice coffee punch. Hmmmm. The smell of the muffins baking in the oven was sweet and yummy, but there wasn't a lot of coffee wafting about. The taste was delicious. It was, however, lacking in coffee flavor. I know that from the "coffee" drinker, this might seem blasphemous. I really was expecting more of a coffee taste from these. Regardless, they were a hit. The Boy really liked them. The Girl liked picking the chocolate chips out of them.

I'm not sure that these hold a spot in my rotation. Then again, considering how I drink my "coffee", I just may find room for them. Thanks to Rhiani of Chocoholic Anonymous for choosing this one.


  1. LOL - I missed the momo on adding the chocolate chips, and I am sure that I'd have liked them better if I had done. Yours turned out great.

  2. I used espresso as my liquid coffee and that boosted the flavour. Yours look great.

  3. They did smell good while they were baking, but more coffee flavor is always a good thing. Your look terrific with the chocolate chips!

  4. Im glad they were a hit! Im a coffee drinker but don't like coffee flavored food. I made mine with chai tea!

  5. The chocolate was just wonderful in these muffins. I can't believe you got one of your kids to eat one. Impressive!!

  6. I will have to try the chocolate chips next time!

  7. Dunk the muffin into your coffee.

    Problem solved! (at least, that's what I would do!)

  8. very cute muffins and very cute white plate too. so feminine!

  9. Chocolate would be great in these. I didn't think they tasted much like coffee either, but I wondered if I didn't notice it because I like coffee.

  10. I think you really have to brew the coffee strong (I made mine somewhere between double and triple strength) to get a good coffee punch on these. Of course I dressed mine all up, so who's to say how they would have tasted plain :)

    I'm glad you enjoyed them.

  11. your muffin's texture looks spot on!! mine were quite coffe-ish in flavor though, so maybe i just brewed triple strong coffee? :)

  12. i am like you...though i think you made a typo in the first line...you meant to say you're not a coffee drinker, right? :) i like mine just the way you do! lots of cream/sugar! your muffins look great...and thanks for the info on espresso powder, never knew it was that different from instant coffee powder

  13. I've seen the not enough coffeee flavor from a few people. Mine was pretty strong but I brew my coffee pretty strong so that's probably why

  14. I thought they were only mildly coffee flavored, so I think I'll boost both the espresso and the coffee next time. I, too, love coffee flavors, and have a bit of coffee with my cream and sweetener!

  15. I still hope to try these muffins, but I'll look for an add-in. (Maybe chocolate!)

  16. LOL on The Girl and The Boy. We loved these, and I am not a coffee drinker. Guys here would love yours better with the chocolate chips tossed in, however. Need to try that next time.
