Sunday, October 24, 2010

Coolest thing around

There is a very special day coming up. It's Dorie Greenspan's birthday! Dorie of Tuesdays With Dorie and French Fridays With Dorie. (FFWD is a cook-along with Dorie's fabulous new book, Around My French Table) To celebrate this wonderful event, some of us created a multi-course meal that we are (virtually) sharing with Dorie.

I made an appetizer from her book. While tzatsiki is not, strictly speaking, French, this wonderful Greek treat can be found at many markets in Paris. (Mind you, I'm taking her word on this. Or perhaps I need to go to Paris to find out for myself....)

Tzatsiki is very versatile. It can be used for a dip, dressing, or as a lovely snack. I often just eat it with a spoon. It's made from simple ingredients, so it's important that they be high quality. The good news is that Greek yogurt can be found at almost any supermarket these days. It comes together very easily.

My food styling is not quite up to par, but the tzatsiki is wonderful!

Happy birthday, Dorie! I hope you enjoy the tzatsiki and the rest of the meal.

Holly at Phenomenon has the whole menu. Enjoy!


  1. Ciao ! I love your Tzatziki and I think it has become universal as pasta !

  2. I love how Dorie gives us a bit of a story behind all the recipes--it's neat to hear how so many different cuisines ended up in a book about French cooking. =)

    And easy is good, especially around here. We'll have to try this one soon.

  3. I would jump into that dish of tzatziki with a spoon, too!

  4. I love homemade tzatziki and yours looks great!

  5. My husband would love this dish, I think. Thanks so much for joining in on the birthday shindig! xo

  6. I love Tzatziki and yours looks perfect! I'll have one bowl please!

  7. I've never actually made tzatziki, but I love the way it tastes. Following your lead, I'll have to give it a whirl soon. This was such a fun party, we'll have to do it again real soon!!

  8. I love tzatziki and I am excited to try this...yours looks great. I really enjoyed cooking for Dorie's bday along with all my fellow TWDers.

  9. Looks GREAT! I can almost taste it! :)

  10. Sooooooooooo many thanks for making this birthday so amazingly special!

  11. Fabulous, I will try this next! I always buy it at the store, but why when it is this easy??

  12. sounds great. I love that the recipes are what the french eat, not just all strictly french cuisine

  13. Yum, your tzatziki looks fantastic!

    I had so much fun with Dorie's b-day dinner.
