Tuesday, November 09, 2010

TWD: Not Just for Thanksgiving Cranberry Shortbread Cake

That is a very long title. Very long. The dessert? Very good. I had a much different picture in my head of what this actually was. Then I read the recipe. Oh! It's two layers of a shortbread cookie with cranberry orange jam sandwiched in between. Yum!

This was a simple recipe. The cranberry jam was a snap to make and could easily stand alone. I didn't have an orange (oops) so I used orange juice that I had and a drop of orange oil. I like a tart counterpoint to the shortbread, so I only used a half cup of sugar. The shortbread was also a cinch. I made the dough, divided it into two disks and stuck it in the fridge.

Dorie calls for a springform pan, though I could easily see making this in a square pan and cutting it into bars instead of slices. I pressed the bottom layer of dough into the pan and then spread the cranberry jam on top. I pressed out the top layer between two sheets of plastic wrap and then placed it on top of the jam. I sprinkled the top layer with coarse sugar.

The baking times messed with me a little. The edges were a nice golden brown, and the top was lightly golden. What I didn't realize was that the middle was still a bit squishy. Definitely needed a few more minutes in the oven. The layers weren't exactly even, which may also have contributed to the underdone middle.

The presentation of the cake is lovely. The Boy said that "It was one of the most delicious things in the world." I really liked it as well. We brought it to a friend's house for dinner, and it was universally enjoyed. Funny enough, I have a similar recipe for a shortbread bar with jelly/jam in the middle that I make in a 13 x 9 pan. This is sort of a more refined cousin to that one.

I could see this making a return trip to our table. Especially if The Boy has anything to say about it. Thanks to Jessica of Singleton in the Kitchen for this lovely recipe.


  1. I loved this too! My top wasn't as golden as I thought it would be either.

  2. This did present very well. I expect it to be my "travelling cake" through the season. Yours looks great!

  3. Great idea to use orange oil! I also loved this recipe.

  4. Your cake looks good, and it's high praise indeed if the Boy wants it again.

  5. Your cake looks great. I never thought of this as a cookie cake, but now I am thinking that is exactly what it is. Loved it.

  6. Beautiful.

    I made mine with apples.

  7. I think I'll make this again too. I overbaked mine a bit, but it was still a beautiful texture. Glad your friends and The Boy enjoyed it!

  8. This was pretty versatile wasn't it? Nice to be able to use the orange juice and oil instead of an orange. :) Looks great!

  9. This was one good dessert. I agree the cranberry jam could stand alone! Have a great day!

  10. The crust is to die for! Yours looks so good!!

  11. I would be agreeing with The Boy this week for sure. You see that piece on my blog where I usually feature a big piece of the guys' portion? Well, that's not the guys' portion that week, that's MINE...yikes...I can't be making this too often now can I??? So good. Yours looks very pretty...I love it on that white plate, very elegant and Christmas-Eve-Day Dinner like. Go for it.

  12. You know I agree...totally delish and simple. Mine needed to get happier in the oven too but all in all pretty darn good.

  13. This is one of top favorites. I left mine in the oven until the top was golden, and it was baked perfectly.

  14. Oh my gosh! I'm so happy this was such a hit in your house. Yay! Your cake looks beautiful, and thank you so much for baking along with me!
