Tuesday, December 07, 2010

TWD: Translucent Maple Tuiles

Oh. Holy. Smokes. These cookies are crazy good. Good like, the batch makes 40 cookies, and I'm pretty sure that it would only take one sitting for them to disappear.

Initially, this cookie scared me. Not the dough. The dough was a snap. I was given good advice about making sure all the ingredients were room temperature. I was nervous about taking the cookies and placing them gently on something round to make a lovely shaped cookie. I have heard and seen too many horror stories about smushed, scrunched, or otherwise mangled hot cookies.

I got some other good advice and lowered my oven temp to 375. You start out with marble sized balls of dough. I put nine on my baking sheet. I literally sat in front of the oven and watched the first batch bake. It was pretty cool watching them melt and then bubble. At exactly seven minutes, I pulled them out of the oven. I used my thinnest spatula to slide one off. Hmmm, pretty easy. And then I moved it to the (plastic wrap covered - more good advice!) rolling pin. It slid off easily, and I was on to the next cookie! Two more on the pin and the other six on the rack. Wow! I can do this! I made two more batches letting the baking sheet cool COMPLETELY between batches. I have more dough in the fridge.

Here are the cooling cookies. No one counted, did they?

I love most anything maple. Maple and butter even more so. Once these cookies cooled, they turned into a crunchy, maple-y, buttery round of joy. At first I was slightly annoyed by the nine cookie per sheet limit. Then I realized that it was for my own good. If I made more, I would eat more.

Thank you thank you thank you Hindy of Bubie's Little Baker for choosing this recipe!


  1. I'm so glad you liked these. I thought the taste/crunch combination was wonderful.
    Thanks so much for baking with me this week! And thanks for everything you're doing to keep the group going!

  2. an easy and tasty recipe all around!

  3. Weren't these just the easiest things to whip up? Baking was another matter... but once you get the method down - along with the thinnest spatula! They look great!

  4. they sure were a "Round of joy" as you describe. yum!

  5. Oh, yeah, these are really really great, can't be making these too often as I would eat too many of them! Yours look great, just the right color and size.

  6. LOL - agreed - they were way too good, and I had to stop mysef from eating the broken ones as otherwise I'd eat ALL of them.

  7. These were almost too easy to be so good and look so elegant.

  8. quick, easy and pretty good. Yours turned out nice.

  9. they look great. I love anything maple too

  10. The more holes, the fewer calories, right? Fun cookies!

  11. These look so pretty! Great job. This one definitely got the better of me.
