Tuesday, February 08, 2011

TWD: Bourbon Bread Pudding

I will admit that I had no intention of making this one. Then the Husband was invited to a Super Bowl party, and I realized that I could pawn it off on him and it wouldn't be in my house tempting me.

This was not difficult to put together. I did have to go buy whole milk and heavy cream because those things are rarely in my house. (Those two items combined with six egg yolks, sugar, and challah were the reason I didn't want the bread pudding around.) I weighed out eight ounces of home-baked challah and let it get stale. The custard was easy to put together. The milk and cream were boiled together and then combined with the liquid ingredients. I read in a couple of places that 1 T. of bourbon didn't impart enough flavor. I upped it to 2 T. The custard is poured over the cubed bread and left to soak for an hour.

I got a pan ready for a water bath and baked thepudding for about 10 minutes more than the recommended time. I like mine golden brown. It left the house for the game about 30 minutes after it came out of the oven.

Here it is just out of the oven. Mmmmm.

It was a big hit at the party. It was given a universal thumbs up. However, all of the tasters thought it needed a bit more bourbon flavor. I think a bourbon sauce might be the ticket here. The husband brought a bit home, so I did get to taste it. I prefer a pudding that has a bit different bread to custard ratio. This one won't replace my favorite recipe, but I may need to start adding bourbon to that one...

Ready to celebrate the Super Bowl!

Thanks to Sharon from Simply Southern for picking this one.


  1. It looks great - glad it was a hit at the Super Bowl party.

  2. Surprise surprise that a group of Super Bowl watching men thought it needed more liquor! lol...too funny. Looks great. I didn't have anyone in particular to give this to, so I skipped and did a rewind pie that I had missed before due to one lame excuse or another. It is National Pie Month so I felt at least a little less guilty.

  3. wow, it looks incredible! I agree, a bourbon sauce would have made this one even better!!!

  4. Yum! A perfect dessert for a Super Bowl party! :)

  5. I didn't get to the recipe this week with all the other superbowl treats around. I'll put a note in my book to add more bourbon!

  6. Looks great - and bourbon sauce sounds perfect!

  7. Cool the party goers loved it! I don't blame you for passing it along..It's way to tempting and your looks amazing!!

  8. Glad that you decided to make this and liked it. Thanks for baking along with me.

  9. Glad it was a hit. I can't have a dessert that is mainly heavy whipping cream within my reach. I have no self-control!

  10. Oh, I didn't even think of a boozy sauce to top this. I need to make a note for next time!

  11. great job. next time just buy heavy cream and you can make "whole milk" using the regular milk you have at home already (or use half and half)....instructions here :)

