Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TWD: Toasted Almond Scones

I love a good scone. My affair started in Edinburgh, Scotland. I was a student studying in London. A group of us took an overnight bus to Edinburgh. We arrived at about 6:15 am tired but mostly hungry. We walked around for a bit until we saw a cafe. The four of us were standing in the doorway when we realized that it didn't open for about another 15 minutes. The owner saw us, took pity on us, and let us in. She told us that we were welcome to sit for a few minutes until they were ready to open. There was tea, but the scones needed a few more minutes. We were willing to wait. About ten minutes later, she came to our table with a tray piled high with hot scones, clotted cream, and strawberry jam. I don't think I had tasted anything better in my life. It still ranks in the top five of favorite food experiences.

I don't tend to make scones that often, which is a shame. These were simple to put together. I happened to have heavy cream and whole milk left over from the bread pudding. Bonus! I had almond meal, so instead of grinding my own almonds, I used it. I decided to keep my slivered almonds whole instead of chopping them. 20 minutes or so in the oven, and scones!

I didn't put sliced almonds on the outside. I prefer a coarse sugar to finish things like this. Mmmmm. Craggy and sugary.

A scone flower!

These were just the right amount of sweet for me, which is to say, not very. Other than the coarse sugar on the outside, there was only 2 T. of sugar. Surprisingly, these were not very almond-y. I was expecting more. I wonder if the almond meal was the culprit. Ground toasted almonds may have had a bit more flavor. Perhaps a bit more extract next time?

I can't find a link for Mike's blog, but when I do, you'll be able to see his fabulous photos and the recipe! Here it is!


  1. Jules - what a great story! I agree, the sugar dusting made them better - gave them a little sparkle too. I'm glad you enjoyed them and that they weren't too sweet. Some thought they weren't sweet enough! They look fantastic! Thanks for the bake along! -

  2. Love your scone flower! There's nothing like scones with jam and clotted cream in the UK - it is a unique experience. I have done it once at a little cafe near Harrods, and nothing beats it in the scone department - although I would like to go to Devonshire for a real Devonshire tea (or Cornwall for a Cornish tea!).

  3. I too enjoyed your story. I do love a great food experience! These were yummy, I upped the sugar and almond extract. They were yummy.

  4. They look great! I love your story..nothing like those food relate memories!

  5. I don't think you could beat fresh scones in Scotland, but these were pretty good. Mine had a nice toasted flavor, so I think it is worth it to toast and grind the almonds - or more extract would probably help too.

  6. I enjoyed your story - my love affair with scones began when I lived in England as a child, so we have that in common. :) I love the cragginess of your scones and am surprised that they didn't have an intense almond flavor, so it must be the almond meal...I like the idea of the sugar on top.

  7. your scones look wonderful and I love your Scotland story! I've been there, but didn't have scones when I went. Oh well! Mine lacked in almond flavor as well, but I still loved em!

  8. I wish I had a fun scone story like that! I really liked the non-sweetness too!

  9. Having fresh baked scones in Scotland sounds amazing. Your scones look wonderful, too. I ground my almonds and thought the flavor was nice.

  10. what a lovely story! now i have to go to scotland to try and find this little cafe :)

    your scones look great!

  11. Those look great...I like the idea of a little sugar sprinkled on top, and it looks sparkly and pretty, too. We loved these. Thanks for sharing your Scottish Scone story, that was so much fun to read!

  12. great memories of scones! I liked these much better after a couple days instead of fresh out of the oven

  13. Oooh, that sounds like a wonderful surprise you had in Scotland, enjoying the fresh baked scones. Your scones look perfect!

  14. I love your story - an experience like that would set my scone preferences for life! You made lovely scones.
