Tuesday, March 22, 2011

TWD: Honey Nut Brownies

I will admit that I almost didn't make these. I'm not a huge fan of honey. Truth be told, I avoid things with honey in them. (baklava is the only exception) And then I was at Michael's today and I saw this adorable 6" square pan. And I had a 40% off coupon. And I realized that I could easily quarter the recipe. And the butter didn't need softening. I think that I had all the signs that I needed that these brownies were in my future.

Cute 6" pan!

I was warned to choose a good honey because it was front and center. I have a jar of wild Maine raspberry honey and I thought it would be a good fit with the chocolate. Chocolate is really a minor player in this recipe. I chose almonds as my nut of choice because I like almonds, but also raspberry/almond/chocolate is a winning combination. Oh, and spilling honey on your cookbook? Losing combination. Sticky pages and loss of good honey is bad.

These were a snap to put together. They made a fairly thin brownie. Mine were cooked at exactly 40 minutes.

I was surprised by how much I liked these. The chocolate was faint but it added a slight bitterness to offset the sweet of the honey. I think the almonds really added to this. I'm shocked to say it, but I can absolutely see making these again.


For the recipe and other details, go visit Suzy of Suzy Homemaker. Thanks for letting me stretch my horizons!


  1. I wish I'd used a good honey. I really liked these too. Love your new pan!

  2. I am so glad that you decided to make these and then liked them. Your brownies look really good.

  3. The coupon...the pan...it was all meant to be. I used almonds, too. And even though these weren't a favorite, I am glad I tried them.

  4. Yum indeed! I will have to try these.

  5. Yours look great. I think I messed up a bit by not using bittersweet chocolate. I thought they were good, but more like cake.

  6. The combo of raspberry, chocolate and almonds sounds divine! I do like baking with honey but I was unsure about these. I think mine needed to bake longer or something.

  7. I wanted to use almonds in mine, but I was out. Yours look great - so glad you liked them! :)

  8. MIne are in the oven as I write this!! Yours look great! Im glad you ended up enjoying!!

  9. What a great new pan! I bet it will come in handy for scaling back recipes. I had low expectations for these, too, and thought they were pretty good. I wish I'd used a good honey, though, the one you used sounds excellent.

  10. I bet the good honey went a long way in these. Glad you liked them!

  11. Glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for joining in.

  12. they look great!!! Love the pan! So glad you liked them, I enjoyed them too! I came looking for your hamentashen recipe - I am planning on making some this weekend!!!

  13. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the brownies look really good but I am drooling over that little six inch square pan...I want THAT! Okay, your brownies look great, too.

  14. This sounds interesting - I wouldn't have gone for a honey-infused brownie but if it wins over even a honey-disliker, it's worth a shot! They look delicious.
