Tuesday, April 12, 2011

TWD: Strawberry Rhubarb Double Crisp

I love rhubarb. Love. It. I buy lots of it when it's in season, and I slice and freeze about half of that so I'll have it all winter. I even started growing my own so I would (hopefully) never run out. That's how much I love rhubarb. Right now is the very very beginning of rhubarb season. My freezer, alas, is empty. My go-to-source for frozen? Sold out until more can be grown and processed. I saw people subbing cranberries for the rhubarb. They're tart, right? But no. I wanted rhubarb. Five (5) stores later, I had my rhubarb. Woo hoo!

This particular rhubarb recipe? Outstanding. It's in my top three of all the recipes in the book. It's in my top five of my favorite fruit desserts ever. It combines some of the best flavors in the world - rhubarb, strawberry, ginger (two forms), almond and oats. I've made it a number of times before, and I was very happy to make it again.

Just look at that delicious crust and the ruby fruit peeking out on the sides.

This is a pretty easy recipe. Essentially, you make a crumble that you press into the pan for the bottom crust and sprinkle over the top for the crisp. In the middle is juicy, succulent fruit. There is powdered ginger mixed in with the berries and crystalized ginger in the crust. The strawberries are cooked with a little sugar, water, and cornstarch to thicken. I cut down a bit on the sugar because my berries were pretty sweet. The recipe calls for walnuts, but I really like almonds with this one.

Lots of Dorie's recipes call for placing the baking vessel on a Silpat or parchment covered sheet pan. 99% of the time I ignore that instruction. The first time I made this, I ignored. And I learned very quickly that dripping sugar and fruit goo creates a nasty burning smell when it hits the heating element in the oven. Learn from my mistakes!

This one is a huge hit at my house. Everyone loves it - especially warm with a bit of vanilla ice cream. I am positive that we'll make this one again and again. I couldn't wait for this to really get cool, so it was a little sloppy in the bowl.

If I have it with yogurt, it's breakfast, right?

Thank you Sarah of Teapots and Cakestands for letting me revisit an old favorite.


  1. Yes, I'm eating it for breakfast. It has plenty of fruit, oats and nuts. All breakfast foods.
    Our smallish store had beautiful berries but no rhubarb in any form. Not having the ambition to travel thru road construction for 7 miles to a bigger store I went with a frozen fruit mix. yummy, love the ginger. My garden rhubarb will be ready soon. I'll certainly make it again.

  2. True TWD dediation is five stores for rhubarb...you go girl....

  3. Wow - five stores? I just bought frozen and it worked great. Your crisp looks delicious. It would be great for breakfast or anytime.

  4. Cool thatit made it in your top three recipes! It is a very good crisp and only lasted a day in our house!
    It looks great!!

  5. Oh yummy! So glad you found the rhubarb. I was a little TOO excited in the store when I found it. :)

  6. Haha, I normally ignore the covered pan underneath, too. But this time I thought, oh, that filling might overflow everywhere so I did it. But no overflow. :) Yours sounds and looks great!

  7. I used frozen rhubarb and it was great. Mine was a little sweet so I could have used some ice cream on mine.

  8. I admire your persistence in hunting for rhubarb - it paid off as your crisp looks wonderful. I will have to and remember to buy some rhubarb to freeze - I already have some cherries.

  9. It's totally breakfast with fruit and oats! I was bummed that I couldn't find rhubarb, but it was good with a sub of cranberries.

  10. I'm a bit jealous that you found rhubarb, but I know I'll catch up soon. This was so yummy and I can't wait to make it again. I freeze some rhubarb and put lots in jars too, and I'll be putting up more this year so I'm not in a rhubarb-less predicament again next year!

  11. Thanks for baking along with me this week! So glad you love it and it looks gorgeous!

  12. Of course it's fine for breakfast. I eat way more crisp and pie for breakfast than I ever do for dessert. =)

  13. Oh yeah, I think this is perfectly suited for breakfast! Good for you going above and beyond to get the rhubarb. I'm embarrassed to say I've never tried it (much less made something with need!) I need to fix that soon I think!

  14. It was breakfast one day here as well...rhubarb is truly a wonderful addition to any meal but so many people don't "get" it. I should grow some of my own...always have plenty from others, but really, maybe I should start my own. Your crisp looks great. I always tend to ignore that pan under the pan thing as well as my things cook better without it. Of course, when I think there might be a spillage, I try to comply as I am not big on cleaning ovens for fun.

  15. Such a trooper (I thought 3 stores was a lot!)
    The searching paid off, your crips looks spectacular. :)

  16. 5 stores - that's dedication! The crisp looks fantastic. I'm definitely chopping/freezing some rhubarb when it comes into our farmer's market.

  17. Oh I can't wait for the rhubarb to start appearing in Scotland, these look so scrummy.

  18. I was present for the very last bits and can attest to its yumminess. The ginger was a very pleasant surprise. I will certainly make this as well, but I just might leave out the strawberries. :)

  19. You got my interest with the last line. Eat with yogurt?? Oh yes!!
