Monday, May 16, 2011

TWD: Maple Cornmeal Drop Biscuits

Making these biscuits was an afterthought. We just received the 1/4th of the whole hog that we ordered with some friends. Just in case you were wondering, a 1/4 of a whole hog is about 40 pounds of pork. Yes, it was more than I was expecting. We had some bacon and sausage from the same farmer that I purchased earlier in the spring that was calling out to be eaten. Plus, it lost its home in the freezer. My solution -- breakfast for dinner!

I love maple in just about any form. And cornmeal in baked goods adds a crunch that I really like. This recipe was a match made just for me. These were a total snap to put together. It was four steps. 1) mix the dry ingredients 2) cut in some butter 3) mix in the wet ingredients 4) scoop and drop on a baking sheet. Oh, and put them in the oven. I guess that's five.

They came out of the oven all golden and craggy. We ate them hot with a bit of butter and other additions. Small sandwiches were made with bacon and then strawberries. All were amazing. They were equally good the next morning.

For my taste, I could have used a bit more maple, but that's an easy fix. These are such a winner that I know we'll be making them again soon. I have more bacon and sausage. Lots more.

Thank you Lindsay from A Little Something.... Sweet for this fabulous choice. Go visit her blog to see some better photos.


  1. We loved the hint of maple, too, and agree that more maple would be better. The dozen biscuits barely made it through the afternoon.

  2. I do love breakfast for dinner! A thin slice of ham and a little mustard would be divine.

  3. Craggy is good - it holds onto the jam better.

  4. breakfast anytime of the day is fab. i guess you'll be having it often, lol.

  5. I think these would be perfect with breakfast for dinner. I liked these but I over baked mine.

  6. Im glad you liked them, they look great!

  7. Sounds like when we bought half a buffalo... enough meat for years! :) Your biscuits look wonderful and breakfast for dinner sounds perfect right now!

  8. Enjoy you fresh pork! We have lots left from a purchase we made as well. The biscuits look great, perfect for breakfast or dinner!

  9. Mmmm...bacon sandwich. :) Thanks for baking along with me.
