Tuesday, June 21, 2011

TWD: Date Nut Loaf

I was looking forward to making this one. I really like dates. I especially like dates wrapped in bacon and stuffed with cheese, but that's another post. I actually almost always have some pitted dates in my house. You know, just in case an appetizer emergency comes up and someone needs something with bacon. Anyway, I was looking forward to baking with them.

This is a simple loaf cake. It has a few extra touches - cream cheese for a bit of tang and almond extract for a nice flavor twist. Dorie called for walnuts, but I used toasted pecans instead. Best tip ever for cutting up sticky dates - use a food scissors. Goes through 'em in nothing flat. This came together easily. It smelled amazing when it was baking. It bakes for 40 minutes uncovered and then 40 more covered. In my case, I think it was a bit too long. While not exactly dry, this loaf doesn't have the moistness I would expect.

Having said that, it's delicious. I only made it last night, and I expect that it will ripen and improve over the next couple of days. I assume it will last that long. Only the Boy is home right now; the Girl's at her first overnight camp experience, so I suspect that treats might make it an extra day in our house. Dorie suggests that this is a great toasting loaf, so that's an option as well.

Breakfast of champions! Iced coffee and Date Nut Loaf. Mmmmmm.

Thank you Mary of Popsicles and Sandy Feet for choosing this one!


  1. This recipe was a winner. We loved it and I'm sure I will make it often. Small loaves would make great hostess gifts.
    Have a great day.

  2. ok now you are making me want some dates wrapped in bacon with cream cheese. How could you? As I sit here chomping on some bad-for-me potato chips. Your cake looks delicious.

  3. Oh yum! Your breakfast looks fabulous! :)

  4. looks great, especially with that iced coffee!! Mmmmmm is right!

  5. I love dates, too and I loved this recipe. I've never had the date-bacon thing, but I can't imagine it is bad.

  6. glad you enjoyed it! it sure looks good.

  7. I think you are right...that is the breakfast of champions. Thanks so much for baking along with me!

  8. we had ours with iced coffee, too. oh yeah!

  9. Why didn't I think of using my kitchen scissors? Thanks for the tip - I will try to remember it next time I need to chop dates!
