Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TWD: Cornmeal and Fruit Loaf

Back in the saddle! I (sadly) missed the last two weeks of TWD due to work, travel, and life getting in the way. I'm in a slight work lull right now, so I was able to get in some baking.

This one was good. I love the crunch that cornmeal brings to baked goods. This loaf ended up being a slightly sweet, apple-y bread that was perfect for snacking.

It was a snap to put together. The recipecalls for fresh as well as dried apple. I have to say that I didn't really see the benefit of the dried apple. I think next time I would leave it out. And I'm pretty sure there will be a next time. I added a sprinkling of coarse sugar on the top of the loaf. It added just the right texture and sweetness.

You can see the darker bits of dried apple vs. the lighter fresh apple. I think this would be equally good with pears.

Thank you Caitlin of Engineer Baker for choosing this delicious recipe. Go see her blog for much better photos.


  1. You are good...this looks nice. We are not big on loafs and now with Matt and his friends out of the picture, even less so. I got all the ingredients out and then put them all away again...just did not think it all worth the calories, etc. when there is so much more I KNOW I would rather spend them on. I wonder how long before I am declared legally dead at TWD, I better come up with something soon. Very soon. Thanks for your patience. Back in school up there? Empty Nest is just plain weird, I hope I get used to it sooner rather than later. Enjoy The Boy and The Girl while they are there, every single day!! :-)

  2. I am glad I am not the only one who questioned both dried apple and real fruit. Either would have been enough and I love fresh fruit.

    It was delicious, anyway.

  3. I'm not sure I can pick up the dried apple either, but I did like this loaf with its subtle crunch. Welcome back to TWD!

  4. It looks great! I loved the way this bread turned out. Im glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Great looking loaf! Super-cute plate, too! :)

  6. looks so golden brown and lovely crust. I put strawberries in mine!

  7. This loaf tasted great with both fresh and dried fruit, but I'm enjoying seeing how everyone tweaked it a bit, with delicious results.

  8. don't you just love when a recipe comes together AND is tasty? i know i do :)

  9. hopefully you are getting a chance to catch your breath! i liked this loaf a lot, too, and next time, i'll add that sprinkle of sugar on top like you did.

  10. I loved this recipe, and on seeing yours, I want it again.

  11. ...and it looks even better on that nice platter!
