Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Not a TWD: Too much other stuff

I did not make the cheesecake. Truth be told, I'm not much of a cheesecake fan. Still, I like chocolate, so I would have made it.

If I didn't already have:

pecan pie
cinnamon chocolate chip sour cream coffee cake
cinnamon sugar nuts
and chocolate mint cookies

in my kitchen. And subsequently on my hips and various other anatomical parts.

Go check out Tea and Scones for the recipe and a cheesecake shot!


  1. You're much smarter than I! ;)
    Happy New Year!

  2. With all those good treats in the house, can I come over?

  3. Yep...it's all here on my hips, too. You were a smart cookie!

  4. LOL, I am laughing at this post thinking of singing it to "12 Days of Christmas"...my word that is a lot of desserts gracing your place. Send the nuts here...those still sound delightful. I didn't make a thing this week in the dessert category, not one single thing. Hope to keep that up until next week at least. Happy New Year, dear friend!

  5. Hahaha! Sounds like my house. I actually made this cheesecake at the end of November. :)

  6. Well THAT'S not much else to have around in the sweets department. ;) Cheesecake after Christmas IS rather decadent. I did the same with the pecan pie.. just too much other stuff! Hope you enjoyed making all the other treats - sounds like you did!
