Tuesday, January 05, 2010

TWD: Cocoa Buttermilk Birthday Cake

Happy 2nd anniversary to Tuesday's With Dorie! It started small with one woman and her Christmas present: Baking From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan. It expanded slowly with a few bakers joining in to help her bake through the book. Then it exploded. Now hundreds of bakers pull out their well-worn copies and bake along.

This week we had the choice of Tarte Tatin or the Cocoa Buttermilk Birthday Cake. It was a coin flip for me. Both sounded wonderful. The cake won. Since we have been eating plenty of sweets lately, I did at least cut the recipe in half so I could (eat it all in one sitting and no one would know) limit the sugar intake of the boy and girl.

The cake was easy enough to put together. I made a mini version. I have a set of 3" pans that make an adorable layer cake. I had a bit extra so there was also a mini loaf cake for us to snack on. On day one, I was a bit disappointed with the taste. All I really got was sweet. Today, when I was trimming the layers I took a little bite of the crumbs. Much better on day two! The chocolate flavor became a bit more prominent.

I used a simple brown sugar caramel icing. Yum on its own.

This cake is 3" wide and about 6" tall.

Happy anniversary, TWD! We'll cut this tonight and clink our forks in honor of the big day.

*** Edited to add -- this was tasty! The boy and girl especially enjoyed the frosting. The cake was good as well. ;-)


  1. Your cake is way cute! Minis always look adorable!

  2. How cute is this 3" version...and I thought my 6" version was little and cute. Love how you decorated the top. Happy New Year, Dear Friend!

  3. I love your tall cake! Nice job!

  4. Love your little cake! Wow, I have a 4 inch cake pan and THAT is small. 3x6 looks awesome!

    Having a giveaway on my blog today!

  5. Caramel icing sounds very good. 3 inches is almost like a cupcake. Layered cupcake. Cute!

  6. Your little cake is so cute and I love the sound of caramel icing!

  7. Awww, soooo cute! Thanks for celebrating with me and baking along as well. So glad you are in the group. xo

  8. Funny how cake can taste so different from the first day to the next. I've had that happen more than once with cake.

    Anyway, I'm glad you ended up liking it and good idea mini-izing it. So cute!

  9. I wish I had let my layers sit overnight - maybe they would have tasted better.

    I love the size of your cake - it's just perfect!

  10. What a perfect darling cake!
    Happy Anniversry TWD! It's been fun baking with you and I look fwd to more baking adventures!

  11. This looks cute and delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Cute cake! So small yet tall!

  13. very nice!!! so cute!
    How do I follow you?? I can't seem to get it to work!

  14. That is an awesome cake! Love it.

  15. That lil mini cake is adorable! I love you telling us it's better the second day!!

  16. Cute little cake. Glad you decided you liked it.
