Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TWD: Honey Wheat Cookies

I was excited to try this cookie. After all of the super sweet chocolate we've consumed lately, wheat sounded almost... healthy. Truth be told, I'm not a huge fan of honey. But, hey, I'm game!

This is intended to be a mildly sweet, lemony, perfect-for-a-cup-of-tea cookie. Except I didn't have lemon. I have lime zest in the freezer, but I wasn't sure it would work. Hmmm, check out the fruit drawer and I find - tangerines. Ok, honey/wheat/tangerine it is!

This was a simple cookie to put together. I had wheat germ left over from my (far too many batches of) granola grabbers, so I didn't have to skip the coating. I really liked rolling these in the wheat germ. I was expecting the finished cookie to be a little fuzzy. You know, the germ pieces would sort of be feathers on the top, but they melted right in.

The cookies smelled wonderful while they were baking. The Girl and the Boy loved the finished product. The pronounced honey flavor was a drawback for me. I might make these again, but I'm not sure. So many cookies so little time!

Go check out Michelle's blog, Flourchild, to see the recipe and some fun photos.


  1. I am not usually a big fan of honey, but I did like these cookies. Yours look perfect! Yours is the second post that mentioned granola grabbers? I will have to look that one up.

  2. See - that's the problem - although I really liked these, I am hesitant to make them again, because there are so many recipes to try!

  3. Your cookies look wonderful! I wasn't a big fan of honey either until I bought some really good honey!

  4. These look fantastic! Mine were all puffy because I doubled up on the baking powder by mistake.

  5. What a cute little bowl! Glad they turned out for you :)

  6. Thank you for baking along with me this week. Your cookies look good even if they weren't calling your name in the middle of the night;) hee-hee!

  7. I liked these too, but not sure if I'd make them again either.

  8. There's the pretty dish again! I thought these were heavy on the honey flavor too, but I really liked the texture.

  9. Your cookies look lovely in that pretty dish. I liked them too and might make them again. I'm going to have to try the Granola Grabbers, they look so good.

  10. So many cookies, so little time. Very true words, my friend! Don't you just LOVE granola grabbers?

  11. Well, you know I loved these, right? Lemon, honey, wheat germ, butter, sugar...what's not to love in that combination? I figured people would be sneaking in some chocolate, but so far I haven't seen a single one. Your cookies look wonderful, and the thumbs up from the taste testing crew over there appears to be in agreement that taste and looks are everything in a cookie!

  12. Yes, they were tasty. Have to try with Tangerine. Bet they were good.

    Love the little flower bowl.
