Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Not a TWD: Instead, we make hamentaschen

This week's recipe for TWD was a Toasted Coconut Custard Tart. I saw some people talking about how this was an amazing recipe that you can't wait to make again. This did not happen in my house. First of all, I can't stand coconut. As in can't eat it at all. I'm pretty sure I've referred to this before, but you know the scene in the movie Big? The one where the Tom Hanks character is at the party and he eats caviar, spits it out, and then has to wipe out his mouth with a napkin? That's me and coconut. So, yeah, it didn't happen. (Sorry, Beryl -- it's not you, it's me. Go check out her blog, Cinemon Girl to see what was supposed to be here.)

So no to coconut and yes to hamentaschen! This Sunday was Purim. Instead of re-posting the Purim story, I'll link to my blog entry from last year that discussed the holiday. I will post new photos of hamentaschen. Normally, we have some kids over to bake with us and eat. This year, we were recovering from the plague, so two dozen of the little beauties was all we could handle. Hamentaschen are essentially filled butter cookies. The traditional fillings are prune and poppy. Here we use strawberry jam, apricot jam, and chocolate chips.

Here's the Boy and Girl (with lots and lots of stuff on the table) filling and forming the cookies.

This is a cookie sheet with filled cookies ready to go into the oven.

Mmmmmm. Delicious!


  1. mmmm, hamentaschen. These look great! And I commend you for your self-restraint. I made over 80 of them and could still make more. It's not even like we eat them all; I just think of more and more people to give them to...

  2. I love Hamentaschen. We have a bakery that makes poppy seed hamentaschen and it is wonderful!
    Happy Purim! :)

  3. Oh those cookies look great! I remember that part in Big, LMAO!

  4. i've always wanted to try making hamentaschen.

  5. These look amazing! And how fun to make them with children!!

  6. I've loved hamentaschen ever since someone brought them to work (probably around Purim). I've never made them, but I will someday!

  7. I need to make hamentaschen- haven't done it since grade school! So I'm not offended in the least!

  8. Well, we can't all love everything. Yummy hamentaschen.

  9. These look delicious, and I've learned something new - I've never seen hamentaschen before.

  10. yay for hamentaschen! They look great.

  11. I bet I'd like hamentaschen more than I like coconut custard! Looks great!

  12. LOL on the coconut thing. These look absolutely wonderful. It's so nice to have a family activity that everyone can enjoy both doing and eating!

  13. Ooooh chocolate chip hamantaschen....that's one I haven't tried before--great idea!

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