Monday, April 19, 2010

TWD: Sweet Cream Biscuits

Or not. Sorry, Melissa of Love at First Bite. These didn't fit into my baking (or eating) plan this week. It's kid birthday season around here, so I'm baking lots of cakes. (Yellow cake with cream cheese frosting, strawberries and chocolate writing for the girl's party cake. Cardamom coconut tea cake for the birthday breakfast) A DQ cake next weekend, and then cakes for the boy.



  1. OMW, is it kids birthday season again already??? A year has passed??? How can that be??? Happy Birthday to one and all. Just stop having them so quickly!

  2. That IS a lot of cake. The biscuits are good, try them sometime when they fit into your meal plans. But have fun with all the birthdays!

  3. No worries, we all get busy! Happy birthday time to your family!
