Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TWD: Chockablock Cookies

As the name would lead you to believe, these cookies are chockablock full of stuff - nuts, dried fruit, coconut, oatmeal, and chocolate chips. This is a complex cookie.

Dorie has one or two similar recipes to this one. The Chockablocks, however, had an ingredient that the others don't have; and it was a highly discussed ingredient. Molasses. Some bakers substituted honey, corn syrup, or Lyle's Golden Syrup. I stuck with molasses. I wanted to try this one as written. The other highly contested ingredient was shortening. I used butter flavored Crisco sticks. Honey roasted peanuts were my nuts of choice. And I stuck with raisins for the dried fruit. They were in the front of the cabinet. They won.

It was an easy cookie to put together. It's a simple drop cookie. In hindsight, I think it could have used some refrigeration. My cookies spread quite a bit. I made my cookies much smaller than the recipe suggests. Dorie's yield is 30 cookies. I got 64.

It was a mixed verdict. The smell of the cookie reminds me of Mary Jane peanut butter candies. The taste was a bit less Mary Jane like. I think there were just too many competing flavors in this one. The molasses also added a little more moisture than I would like. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy a chewy cookie. But this one had no crunch to it, and I missed it. The boy and girl enjoyed it, but even they aren't rushing to the jar for more.***

Not the prettiest cookie out there. It does beg for milk.
I don't think this one won a spot in our cookie rotation. Ah well. Thank you Mary of Popsicles and Sandy Feet for choosing this one. Go check out her blog for the recipe.

***Speaking of cookie jars - check this one out! My girlfriend painted it for me. Isn't it fabulous! (pardon the lousy photo) It was an experiment that succeeded with flying colors. Go check out her website to see her other hand painted glass art.


  1. Great cookie jar! I like the sound of honey roasted peanuts in these- sorry they didn't turn out to be a fav.

  2. oooOOOOooooo Honey roasted peanuts.

    Sounds like perfection to me.

  3. My hubby said it was the best cookie ever. But we are old and now like things such as dates and molasses. Still don't like raisins. So many cookies, so little time!

  4. A batter in which anything can be substituted isn't a bad recipe to have on hand. We liked them but I went heavily on the chocolate.
    Beautiful cookie jar!

  5. not the prettiest, i agree, but your cookie jar is ADORABLE!

  6. Love the cookie jar! Great idea. And YUM on the honey roasted peanuts.

  7. Thanks so much for baking along with me. Great cookie jar!

  8. Cute cookie jar, Im sure you will keep it filled up with some great cookies!

  9. What a great cookie jar...it looks just like you all! I made only half a batch of these as they had some ingredients in them that have remained on the suspect list by teen boys in past times...apparently not any longer as they inhaled these and wanted more...half a batch with teenage boys, what was I thinking??? Your cookies look wonderful. BTW, I do that "front of the cabinet" cooking as well...just makes life so much easier.

  10. That is the coolest cookie jar I have ever seen! So amazing!

  11. Your cookies look good, even if they aren't keepers for you. Love the cookie jar - so cute.

  12. You are right--a complex cookie. I'm much more interested in the cookies jar. How cool!

  13. What a cute cookie jar!! The cookies were okay for me....

  14. I bet the honey roasted peanuts were great!

  15. Not my fav either. But guys loved them. I like the peanuts tho.

    Love the cookie jar.

  16. These aren't going into my rotation either. Very fun cookie jar!
