Tuesday, May 04, 2010

TWD: Burnt Sugar Ice Cream

Oh my goodness. This is certainly a keeper recipe.

I wish I had process photos, there were some interesting stages to this ice cream. This was actually only my second or third try at caramel. It's very intimidating to me. In this case, I undercooked the caramel a bit. I was just afraid of it really burning. When I added the milk and cream to the sugar, it all stuck to the whisk. But because I had been stirring the whole time, it looked like a galaxy wrapped around the whisk. See, process pictures. It smoothed out, and I had a glorious custard. I made one small change in the recipe. I used vanilla beans instead of extract.

I always refrigerate my custard overnight when I am making ice cream. That way it gets a chance to ripen a bit. It's impressive that any of the custard made it into the ice cream maker. I kept sneaking tastes.

This is delicious ice cream. It could be that I didn't cook the caramel enough or that I used extra vanilla, but the husband and I both decided that it tastes a bit like cotton candy. The girl loved it as well. It was not a favorite for the boy. Ah well. I'm definitely going to try this one again and cook the sugar longer.

This is a much lighter caramel color. A little longer cooking time for sure when I make it again.

Mmmmmm, vanilla bean.

Thank you Becky of Project Domestication for this fabulous recipe pick.


  1. Lovely, lovely. I did as you did, I was afraid just how far I could go with that whole burning thing before it was truly burnt and I didn't have time to mess around making another batch, so I probably will be more adventuresome next time. There will be a next time. LOL on the galaxy and sneaking bites.

  2. nice, glad you had success!

  3. This ice cream really is a keeper!

  4. Ooh, vanilla bean sounds yummy, just a little sumpin' sumpin' in there. ;)

  5. The specks of vanilla look great! I definitely kept going back for tastes of the custard too!

  6. Me again! Yes, yes, yes, I'd love the cardamom ice cream recipe, please! You can find me at marymaryculinary@gmail.com


  7. Yum! My husband thought it tasted like creme brulee!

  8. Definitely agree, this recipe is a keeper! I was very cautious with my caramel as well. I might go a little darker next time :-)

  9. Sounds delicious and looks great/

  10. I was intimidated by the caramel too, but your pics look great!

  11. Good idea to use vanilla bean instead of extract. Bet it added a little umph! to the flavor. Looks perfect.

  12. I don't know if I cooked my sugar long enough, but the final product tasted good! Yours looks wonderful, and it sounds like it was a huge hit at your house.
