Tuesday, June 08, 2010

TWD: Tender Shortcakes

I love a good summer dessert. While I fully subscribe to the theory that fruit isn't dessert, very often good desserts are made with fruit. This is one of them. Shortcakes are a quintessential summer dessert. They grace many magazine and cookbook covers because of the contrast in colors and the reminder of good things. I don't have a go-to recipe for shortcake because I rarely ever think to make it. When I do make it, I enjoy the heck out of it. I need to remember this one more often.

Mmmmmm. Shortcake and berries and whipped cream. Mmmmm.

I decided to quarter the recipe. I figured we were better off with four shortcakes and no leftovers. This was easy to put together. It did give me a nervous moment or two, however. I tried very hard to follow Dorie's rules and not over mix the dough. But when it all had been tossed together, I had a bowl full of crumbs. I scooped out a half cup and carefully dumped it on the Silpat. Instead of the gentle patting that the recipe suggests, I did some gentle smooshing, and made four mounds of dough. I was crossing my fingers that they would hold together. Into the oven for 15 minutes and - woo hoo! Shortcakes.

These are the mounds of dough crumbles.

Here's a close up. I wasn't sure this was going to work!

But it did. Here's a baked shortcake.
The fruit was easy. I used strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries with a touch of sugar. The whipped cream came from a can. There's no shame in spray can whipped cream. These cut fairly easily for me with a serrated knife.

Here's a side view. You can see all the delicious layers. Mmmmm.

The verdict was positive all around. The girl ate all hers and wanted more. I couldn't blame her. The crisp of the shortcake mixed with the juicy sweet berries and creamy whipped cream is an excellent combination. I can't see using this recipe to make more than four shortcakes, but I'd use it again for that. Or maybe smaller mounds and bite sized shortcakes.

Thank you Cathy of the Tortefeasor for this excellent taste of summer.


  1. These look fab - love that whipped cream!

  2. Jules, these look wonderful. I love to see what you do with Dorie's recipes. Till next time. Blessings...Mary

  3. I'm with you, I need to remember to make this more often!

  4. Yay - so glad that you and your family enjoyed these! I love it when I'm not quite sure if something is going to work, and it ends up not only working, but surpassing my expectations. Your shortcakes look gorgeous! Thanks for baking with me this week!

  5. Ok - that is an experiment that I though would never work - how wonderful! They all came together so nicely. I usually overwork mine - great idea! Weren't these just the best? Nicely done!

  6. Oh, good to know that smooshing worked...I was so tempted to smoosh. Love your photos...it all looks wonderful. I'm definitely with the girl this week.
