Tuesday, June 01, 2010

TWD: White Chocolate Brownies

I almost forgot it was Tuesday! So much going on. Anyway, white chocolate is an oxymoron. I'm not a fan, but everyone else in my house is, so I made brownies.

These are medium/low on my fuss factor scale. I didn't pay attention to the p & q section where someone mentioned this, or else I wouldn't have used white chocolate chips. They were tricky to melt with the butter. Eventually, however, I did get them to melt. The batter came together pretty easily. I did line my pan with parchment, and the sling made them easy to lift out and cut. I saw that a lot of people had trouble with these brownies being underdone. Without the meringue, mine took exactly 35 minutes and were perfectly done in the middle - moist and cakey but not dense.

I skipped the meringue topping. First of all, it was WET here yesterday, and weepy meringue is gross. Plus, I'm lazy.

Here's a big plate of finished brownies. They were darker than I was expecting, but I'm sure it was due to the almonds.

Here's a little close-up of one brownie. I love the way the raspberries sunk in just a bit.

The verdict on these was very positive. They received many thumbs at our Memorial Day BBQ. I even liked them! The raspberry added a lovely fruity tang. I would make these again and experiement with different fruits.

Go see Marthe's blog, Culinary Delights, for the recipe and really good photos.


  1. I did something totally different with mine.

    Yours look lovely.

  2. I love how yours look so incredibly enticing on that platter. i wld reach into the screen and grab a piece if i could.

  3. I agree, the raspberries were a fun 'zing'. We enjoyed this recipe.

  4. they look so inviting on a tray like that.
    mine morphed into Salty/Sweet Brown Butter Frosted Brownies!

  5. Actually, these look better without the meringue! Such a strange creature these were...but glad they baked up for you - mine took forever! Nicely done!

  6. Yours look nice and moist! I'd definitely make them again.

  7. love the look of yours. i thought these were so delicious.

  8. The trick I think is to avoid the meringue or put it on last - yours look great.

  9. Pretty and moist: perfect!! Thanks for baking with me!

  10. I like the way your raspberries sank too. They did add some excitement to the flavor.

  11. I wish I'd have left the meringue off. Didn't care for it and the brownies were way underbaked (like many others). I liked all the flavors though.

  12. oooh, your brownies look great! I skipped the meringue too and I loved the outcome! I thought these were delicious!

  13. looks great! I skipped meringue due to weather (and being lazy) as well

  14. Yours look absolutely delightful, can you come here and make some for me? Thanks.

  15. Yours looks great without the meringue! I didn't make them cause the meringue and white chocolate didn't appeal. I am now reconsidering... Instead I did some baking with the last of my rhubarb!
