Tuesday, August 10, 2010

TWD: Chocolate Ganache Ice Cream

Let me just start this by saying HOLY SMOKES! This stuff is good. Really good. I don't have a photo because I just finished the churning, and the ice cream is in the freezer. But the taste that I snuck was fantastic.

*** Here's the finished ice cream. YUM!

How far do you think I'll get with my family if I told them that it was horrible and I had to spare them and no, I didn't eat all the ice cream before dinner, why would you think that? Oh, that stain on my shirt? I was cleaning something. Yeah, that's it.

Ok, I gave them each a taste. I think they liked it.

This one is simple to make with indefinite possibilities. If I can remember and if there's any left (a big IF), I'll take photos. (Done!) Go see Katrina's blog, Baking and Boys to see some gorgeous photos and the recipe.


  1. Somehow I don't think your family will believe you! Be sure to sneak a bowl before they get to it.

  2. the early bird gets the ice cream! lol

  3. You heard the story of the little red hen? She did all the work, she got all the bread. ;)

    A little goes away with this delicious stuff for me.

    Thanks for churning along with me this week.

  4. Why didn't I think of hiding it? This is a great recipe.

  5. Love it! At this very moment, I'm having a hard time not going to the freezer myself! :)

  6. They will "never" believe you about the ice cream. This is fantastic isn't it? I loved every nibble along the way =).

  7. The pictures of the kids are great! Wish I had that kind of "help" around the house.

  8. It was good stuff, wasn't it? My son was away at camp when I made it, and we had to manage to save him some. It wasn't easy!

  9. Those looks are priceless!

  10. Ha ha ha - I love the expression on their faces!

    In my case the chocolate ring around my mouth would have given me away!

  11. Okay, the ice cream looks good enough for my chocolate lovers to eat loads of...I have it chilling in the frig now and will churn tomorrow, so may post it at a later date. What I really love, however, is The Girl and The Boy!!! So cute, such fun to see them like this, having a great time. Thanks for sharing!
