Tuesday, August 17, 2010

TWD: Oatmeal Breakfast Bread

The name, folks, is a misnomer. This bread isn't just for breakfast, though it was lovely toasted with a dab of cream cheese. It was also a nice afternoon snack and a little something to get me through that after dinner time.

For some reason, I originally thought this was a yeasted bread. When I saw that it was a quick bread, I was sold even more. This was an easy - and adaptable - bread to make. It calls for ingredients that I usually have on hand, so that was nice. I found a great dried fruit mix from Trader Joe's in my cabinet. It came together pretty quickly with no mixer. I'd seen where a few people had problems with the interior being soggy. While mine has a moist spot or two, it's basically baked through.

I love the golden color, and it smelled heavenly. The light coatingof pecans and cinnamon/sugar was a nice addition.

Here is a cross-section. You can see the lovely fruit and moist texture of the bread.

While the husband and I liked it, it was not a hit with the Boy and Girl. They were unimpressed. What do they know anyway. Unfortunately, since they do a fair portion of the eating around here, I don't know that I'll be making this one again. Ah well. Go see Natalie's blog, Oven Love, for the recipe.


  1. Im glad you liked it. My kids gobbled it up! It sure looks tasty!

  2. I'm with your kids on this one although your photos look scrumptious. Would be nice for breakfast about now.

  3. Well, at least you tried it. I was surprised by just how tasty this one was, that's for sure!

  4. Your bread turned out beautifully! I really liked making this one.

  5. Thanks for baking with me this week- maybe add some chocolate chips next time for the kids. :)

  6. Your bread looks delicious! My kiddo rarely eats anything I cook but the neighbor girls loved it!

  7. Hahaha oh kids, what do they know. that should be one of life's little slogans :)

    your bread looks great!

  8. Love your bread! The cream cheese over a toasted slice sounds perfect right now. YUM!

  9. Your bread looks great! I made muffins and they were a big hit at my house. :)

  10. Your bread looks perfect!

  11. I think mine would have fallen apart in the toaster. Not that it lasted that long. I love that you used mixed fruit. Nice touch!

  12. Looks really good...definitely a keeper around here as the guys loved it...going the muffin route with it soon as that is a bit more portable for breakfast around here...in hand and out the door.

  13. But what do kids know really? Looks like a very nice oatmeal bread recipe, worth trying.

  14. Oooh, cream cheese sounds good with this!
