Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TWD: Rewind!

Just like everyone else, I've been doing A LOT of baking. This is a crazy month. There were some birthdays and cakes and bars baked for said birthdays. There were the usual Dorie assignments. There was also some extra-curricular baking going on. Between this weekend and last I made four cakes, seven-layer bars, cookies, and sweet and spicy nuts. Whew!

Technically, I made five cakes, but we'll get back to that. I decided for my rewind to go seasonal. Back in September, I made a Peach Upside Downer. It was supposed to be cranberry, but they weren't quite in the stores yet and I had some ripe peaches. I thought it was time to try the cranberry version.

This was a snap to put together. I made a lovely caramel-ish sauce and poured it in a cake pan. I piled the cranberries and almonds on top. I made a simple cake batter with almond extract to replace the vanilla. A snap. I was a bit nervous about the unveiling, but it worked! The cake came out beautifully. I put it on one of the stove burners to cool for a minute while I moved some other things around. Uh oh.

Cranberry REALLY Upside Downer.

Sigh. Now, because I have a very stocked kitchen and because I am a little bit crazy. I made the cake again. That night. To prove that I could do it and not mess it up. Well, at least to prove that I can keep it on the counter.

Here it is. It was quite tasty. I must admit, though, that I liked the peach version better. Maybe I was just bitter about the broken plate. Who knows. I'm pretty sure I'll keep making some version of this one!

The color was gorgeous and the cake was so moist!

Hope everyone had a fun and disaster-free holiday!


  1. Oy! I would have just laid down and pulled the covers over my head. You are a strong woman.
    Gorgeous cake!

  2. I am just so sorry about your broken plate.

    I too, try to keep my pantry well stocked. I'm just a bit anal about that.

  3. Ouch! So you had to rewind twice! True dedication!

    Jules--I'm having trouble leaving my link on the TWD page. It's as if my post is just going off into cyberspace. Any suggestions? http://peggydempsey.blogspot.com/

  4. I loved that cake. Sorry your first one met with dissaster. For Christmas I had surgery and a burgler broke into my house. I scared him away and we all are living happily ever after. I guess.

  5. Your cranberry upsidedowner looks delicious! Bummer about the plate but I am glad you persevered! :)

  6. I really want to make this cake. Back in August I did the peach one and loved it.

    I feel your pain on the broken dish, that happened to me on the Chocolate Gingerbread Cake.

    Happy Holidays!

  7. Oh no! Glad to see you tried again - I loved this one! :)

  8. Truly an upside-downer! I would have been in tears. Bravo for making it a second time. It's one of my favorites.

  9. I laughed, I know I should not have, but seeing that upside downer upside down was for some reason this morning, funny. My condolences now that I have straightened up. They both look tasty actually! Still trying to figure out if I am going to make something or not, we are so dessert-ed out that I am thinking maybe not. Hope you all have a wonderful New Year!

  10. Oh man what a bummer! Pretty cool that you just were like ehhh I'll just make another one!

  11. Whoops! Thanks for making my birthday cake as one of your numerous baked goods this month! It was tasty and pretty much gone that night.

  12. (That's me, Jenn. By the by.)

  13. Wow, I can't believe you literally had an upside-downer! The second one looks fabulous. Luckily this is a pretty quick cake to make!

  14. this is what i did for the turkey-day rewind. loved it! happy new year!
