Tuesday, January 04, 2011

TWD: Midnight Crackles

I am so lucky and honored to be able to work with Laurie and help her maintain the Tuesdays With Dorie site. Since it's the third anniversary, I thought Laurie should choose the recipe. Since I've been helping her out, she thought I should choose the recipe. We compromised and chose it together. (Well, it was more like this -- Me: "Is there anything you haven't made from this book?" Her - "No" Me- "How do you feel about Midnight Crackles?" Her - "Love 'em!" So Midnight Crackles it was.

The recipe and some lovely comments are over on the TWD site. I did have photos of the cookies, but since my hard drive crashed (AGAIN!), and I hadn't backed up my data for about 10 days (BACK UP YOUR DATA!), I no longer have the photos. Hmmmm, I think that sounds like an excellent excuse to make them again!

Wait! Photos! Thank you CrashPlan for saving them for me!

These were just delicious. They were a rich, dark, deeply chocolate cookie that I will make again. I will say that the cold dough was a bit tough to work with. Next time, I think I'll try some un-chilled dough and some slightly chilled dough and see how it works out.

Happy Anniversary Laurie, Dorie, and all the TWD participants. I hope your new year is sweet and wonderful!


  1. Thanks for choosing this recipe with Laurie - loved thse cookies. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Great choice in recipe. I think everyone has enjoyed them. Here's to another 3 years! MUAH!

  3. Back up your data....brilliant idea.

    I just don't do it...sigh...I should.

    These were great cookies.

  4. Sorry about the crash! That stinks! Anyway...nice collaboration on the recipe choice.

  5. Congrats on the 3 years! That is really and achievement!

  6. happy anniversary, and thanks for keeping the group on track! we liked these cookies a lot at my house.

  7. I love baking with you all! Thank you for all you do for this group. You and Laurie are the best! Your cookies look soooo good and I really loved this recipe!!!

  8. I say just eat the dough--did you taste it--dang it was almost like having fudge!
    Great pick! Thanks for all you do.

  9. Your cookies look so crackly and perfect!!!! Now I know what to aim for the next time I make these! :-)

  10. Happy Anniversary to all of us!! We are so lucky to have you over there lending your certain sparkle to the workings at TWD. Speaking of sparkle, how did you get that sparkle on your cookies?? Looks pretty that way. Hope you are staying warm up there...our snow is finally gone and I put up a big No Trespassing sign to discourage it's return. So far, it's working.

  11. It looks like you rolled yours in sugar - nice touch!

    Thanks for helping to keep TWD going!

  12. great pick. Thanks for all of your work!

  13. I hate crashes!

    You guys rock! And this was a terrific pick for our 3rd anniversary!

  14. WOW!! Three years!! Awesome accomplishment. So glad I found this group and started baking with it. Have learned so much.

    Good cookies.

  15. I can't even type the word c*a*h, it makes me too nervous. I'm glad you got through it.

    And I'm SO glad that you are working with the wonderful Laurie to help keep this fabulous group going.

    There's nothing like TWD and it's thanks to you and Laurie and all the amazing bakers that it's still going. xoDorie
