Ok, so breakfast. I love breakfast. I could, and do, eat any time of the day. Breakfast is just good food.
Here is a very common sight at our house:
It's a waffle iron. A pretty old and messy waffle iron now that I look closely at the photo, but anyway.
This is a slightly underdone waffle just coming off the iron. (It's because I put the extras in the freezer, and they brown and crisp up when I toast them.)
This is a yummy, crisp waffle just waiting for butter and maple syrup. Or peanut butter and jelly. Or peanut butter and maple sugar.
I never quite understood the pre-made frozen waffle thing. Waffle irons are pretty cheap, and I think they pay for themselves rather quickly. They are amazingly easy to make (thank you Alton Brown) Mostly, they are just good. You can play around and add cinnamon and vanilla. Or ginger and molasses. Or cocoa and orange extract.
Each batch makes plenty. So the extras go in the freezer for those during-the-week waffle breakfasts. So now I've taken away the "frozen waffles are so convenient" arguement.
Here's all I'm saying. Give it a try. It really does beat the boxed frozen version.
Oh, and this is an English Muffin that I tried making. Not very successful. For now, I'll stick with the store-bought kind. I'm open to recipes and/or suggestions.
Next week: French Pear Tart. See you then!