Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rained out

I had such high hopes for this weekend.  My family and I were going to go apple picking.  I had dreams, people.  I was going to make apple sauce, apple pie, apple butter, apple cake, and apple cinnamon ice cream.  I was going to make more dulce de leche just for dipping apple slices.  I bought a new jar of peanut butter.  Ok, I needed that anyway, but still.  I was going to go apple picking.

I had this lovely vision of my family walking through the orchard, smiling and laughing as we picked.  More laughter as we shared apple cider doughnuts fresh from the bakery.  And more laughing as we took a tractor ride through the trees.  Be quiet.  This is my fantasy.  No where was there any whining from my children.  Or husband.

What did I get?  Rain.  For three days straight now.  Rain.  A little drizzle?  That I could handle.  But this has been road closing, basement flooding rain.  Mind you, I'm grateful I'm not in Texas.  They have RAIN down there.

Rain out the back door.  Rain out the front door.

Rain on the patio.  Rain in the garden.

Lots and lots of rain.

Next weekend?  Next weekend my apple picking will happen!  Unless it rains.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I'm sorry about your apple picking... but I live in the desert, and I'm LOVING your pictures.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for next weekend.