I have a terrible guilt complex. Google Reader is not helping. All of the TWD blogs are right there for me to read on Google Reader.
Every Tuesday I have such high hopes. I start early in the day reading TWD blogs and commenting on as many as I can. I love to see the comments that people leave for me, so I assume that it's the same for others.
Then maybe I'll come back on Tuesday night. And the 46 or so active posts have become 120 or so. So I try to get through some more.
Then on Wednesday there are even more posts. Some of them aren't even TWD! (Where do these people find the time and topics?) So I fall further and further behind. By Friday I just try to comment on any post from blogs that I missed on Tuesday or Wednesday. This is murder on the control freak in me.
And now it's Sunday. I just cleared my Google Reader in preparation for the next TWD. I erased over 400 active posts.
I need to get over the idea that I can comment on all the TWD posts. I will make my peace with Google Reader one day. In the meantime, sorry for the posts I haven't read, the comments I haven't left, and the recipes that I've missed.
And next week I'll try again.
•••• Edited to add: The control freak in me had a field-day this afternoon. I (literally, possibly sadly) looked at every blog on the TWD blogroll. Originally, I had 478 blogs listed. If the blogger hadn't posted a TWD post for the month of December, I deleted it from my list. Now the only people on my list are TWD bloggers. I still won't comment on everyone, but my narrowed list makes me feel better. Control freak.